Thankfulness fabulous ideas

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By AugustusWilliams

It is a special thing to encourage thankfulness and celebrate our children’s successes. Grapevine has a broad selection of concept party products. There is something for everybody! We offer fun Printable game and treasure hunts for kids, quizzes and murder mysteries for adults of all ages, as well as specific products for celebrations of the season like Halloween, Christmas, Easter or Summer.

We can all attest that a grateful spirit can help us overcome feelings of sadness, discontent and frustration.

In today’s self-oriented culture, thankfulness can be difficult to instill in children.

Thankful Heart

Lasso the moon’s A Thankful Heart: This is a wonderful way to combine a craft (making cute fabric hearts), a gratitude journal, and the practice giving gifts to others into one powerful thankfulness activity for November.

Made from scratch thank you cards for toddlers

Kid-Made Thank You Cards from Inner Child Fun: Use stamps, markers, and cardstock to create cute thank you cards that can be used all year.

More Ideas for Thank You Jars

Activity-Based Gratitude Jar by Inner Kid Fun: Let your gratitude jar reach the next level! Give your child a step by taking action for each of the people or things that they are thankful for.

Thanksgiving Advent Calendar

Happy Home Fairy’s Thanksgiving Advent Calendar: A daily countdown until Thanksgiving, complete with handmade envelopes filled with 27 days worth of gratitude.

Family Devotions

Frugal Fun 4 Boy Family Gratitude Devotions: Take time to spend the mornings, evenings, or in the car while you travel to an activity. Using the Bible to discuss gratitude.

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This link contains printable devotions for every day of November leading up Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Kindness

Happy Home Fairy’s Thanksgiving Random Acts Of Kindness: 9 simple ways to bless and help others in your community during the Thanksgiving season

These are great ideas for the entire family to do together.

Gratitude Activities

Gratitude Game by bestow: Who doesn’t love a family game night?

This simple game can be played around the table and is very similar to Apples to Apples – a family favourite!

The Ten Lepers

Ministry To Children’s 10 Lepers Story: This is a classic Bible story about thankfulness. The children get to use toilet paper as their costumes. This is a win-win situation!

Turkey Toss

Turkey Toss Of Thankfulness by I Can teach my Child: This is a great resource for kinesthetic learners.

Placemats for Thankfulness

Thankfulness Collage Placemats from Meaningful Mama: This is a creative way for kids to remember the things that they are grateful for throughout the year.

These would be a great addition to your Thanksgiving table.

Preschool Bible Lessons On Being Thankful

Frugal Fun 4 Boy: God’s Character Thanksfulness: This is a great way to talk about the character traits that God has given us and give thanks for them!

I will

“I Will” Thankfulness statements by Meaningful Mama: When we’re working on a specific character trait, catch phrases can work wonders in our homes.

These four “I Will” statements of thankfulness will benefit your children (and yourself!) Keep their minds open to gratitude, no matter the circumstance.

Bear Says Thank You

Bear Says Thank Sensory Play by Small Bins for Little Hands : Do you have sensory-oriented children?

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Thank You Tree

Thankfulness Tree with Coffee Cups and Crayons – Anytime your child can proudly display their handwriting, it’s a win!

This tree is easy to mount on any wall or window. It also makes a great center point for all your family’s thankfulnesses.

Thanksgiving wreath

Thanksfulness wreath by Meaningful Mama: This wreath will make a beautiful greeting to everyone who knocks on your door this Thanksgiving!

This is a craft that you’ll be saving for many years.

These amazing ideas make November an ideal month for thankfulness.