9 places to find businesses for sale online

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By AugustusWilliams

  • A well-established business can give you a huge head start. These websites can be very helpful.
  • Online platforms that are trusted can assist entrepreneurs in selling and buying businesses.
  • Listings of businesses include companies with varying prices.
  • Professionals should be hired to assist entrepreneurs who are using a platform to buy a business.

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This article is intended for entrepreneurs who are interested in purchasing a small online business.

Many people have dreams of becoming entrepreneurs and owning their own business. Small and medium-sized businesses can face difficulties. It can be challenging to launch, establish, and maintain a business. Additionally, it can be difficult for businesses to stay profitable. Many new businesses fail before they reach their full potential.

Some business owners choose to purchase a successful business or open a franchise rather than start a new venture. Because an established business has been proven profitable and viable, it is less risky.

Here are nine reliable and effective online platforms that allow you to sell or buy businesses.

1. BizBuySell

BizBuySell claims it is the “internet’s largest business-for sale marketplace.” You can buy a business, or choose to franchise. It can help you find financing and sell your business.

You can search for companies by type, country or state. You can set a minimum and maximum price, search for franchises by type and state, as well as the amount you are willing to invest. You can also search for a local business broker.

2. BizQuest

BizQuest allows you to search by state, top cities and most popular restaurants for sale. There are also perks for sellers like ads on The Wall Street Journal or The New York Times partner websites. BizQuest also allows you to find a broker who can help you look for businesses to buy.

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3. BusinessBroker

BusinessBroker.net claims its database has more than 28,000 franchises and businesses for sale. Search for franchises and businesses, search for brokers, and view listings by industry and place. BusinessBroker offers financial and loan assistance that can help you make the best business loans and purchase decisions.

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4. BusinessesForSale

BusinessesForSale.com currently has more than 59,000 business listings in the United States and worldwide, including franchises. To find the right business for you, you can search by location, business sector, and other requirements. BusinessesForSale.com also has features such as email alerts and a service directory for those who need small business accountants, brokers and lawyers.

5. BusinessMart

BusinessMart.com offers both franchises and businesses, and also provides resources and assistance to fund your venture. Searches can be made by location, business category, or by capital available. BusinessMart.com allows sellers to post ads that reach thousands of buyers. The site also allows small business owners and potential buyers to get quotes from vendors on services such as phone systems or credit card processing services that will help them grow their businesses.

6. DealStream (formerly MergerNetwork).

DealStream’s database contains more than 20,000 listings. This includes investment opportunities and businesses for sale. Sellers have the opportunity to post free ads and connect with investment bankers and business brokers.

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7. Franchise Gator

Franchise Gator is a website that lists new franchise opportunities, but there are hundreds more. Searches can be made by location, industry, category, investment amount and top franchises. Franchise Gator offers expert tips and tricks on how to buy a franchise or run a business.


8. LoopNet

LoopNet has more than 1,500 listings, making it easy to see why this is such a reliable resource for finding businesses for sale in any area. LoopNet offers an app through Google Play or the App Store that allows you to browse listings. This makes it easy for busy entrepreneurs and business owners.

LoopNet is a partner with several commercial real estate companies, such as Century 21, Cushman & Wakefield and CBRE. Sellers have the option to add a listing in order to market their property.

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9. Flippa

Flippa was originally known as SitePoint Marketplace. It is an online listing platform that allows you to sell, buy, and trade digital and online businesses. You can find listings for everything, from small SaaS businesses to independent websites. There are plenty of listings below $150,000.

Additional tips to help you acquire businesses

There are many websites that can help entrepreneurs sell or buy businesses. However, it is important to be cautious when you engage in these transactions. Selling and buying businesses can be very risky and complex.